I am affiliated with these people. We've got us a little starship of the imagination, almost like Carl Sagan's. Except ours has quantum torpedoes of the imagination, which he'd probably frown upon. And I've made it clear in the past that I'm very interested in names and the naming of spacecraft in particular. So, in my capacity as Janitor, Third Class, I sat down the other night to do a namesake survey for our USS Dauntless, similar to the one done for the ships named Enterprise.
The idea is simple: List all the vessels that share the name Dauntless, saying a little about each. They needn't (and probably won't) have much in common, because what's in a name? But sometimes interesting trends can emerge from these surveys, and even if they don't, a little history never hurt anyone.
I've put all but

I haven't seen any specifics about how exactly our ship is supposed to fit into the fictional timeline of Star Trek canon, though, and maybe that's intentional, keeping things focused on the real-world activities of the group. But one side-effect of drawing up a timeline like this is that it makes it much clearer when the ship should probably fit in. I'll save that for last, though. First,
1: Dauntless (21BBY)
Fictional - Star Wars
Class/Type: Venator-class Star Destroyer
Length: 1,137m
Operated by: Galactic Republic Navy
Service: 21BBY to 20 BBY
Known Commanders: Anakin Skywalker
Since I'm going in chronological order, we have to start a long time ago, in a a galaxy far, far away, where a fairly bland Star Destroyer Dauntless under the command of Anakin Skywalker (close personal friend of Jarjar Binks) won the Battle of Bothawui. I'm not overly fussed about Star Trek vs. Star Wars, and I kind of liked SW: The Clone Wars, but that's a relative 'like', meaning it wasn't as completely shit as the shitty new trilogy. I don't really like it enough to care about this ship and the battle it won.
2: Dauntless (19BBY)
Fictional - Star Wars
Class/Type: Imperial I-class Star Destroyer
Length: 1,600m
Operated by: Imperial Navy (Galactic Empire)
Service: 19BBY to 2 ABY
Known Commanders: Captain Orsk
Another Star Destroyer, this one is more of a classic, but its fate and specific history are left horribly in flux, as is the inevitable nature of interactive fiction. All we can say is that it fought the Rebel Alliance, to some extent. I never played X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter, but I hear it was good.
3: Dauntless (25ABY)
Fictional - Star Wars
Class/Type: Dauntless-class (?) Heavy Cruiser
Length: 1,200m?
Operated by: New Republic Defence Fleet and Galactic Alliance Navy (and Rebel Alliance?)
Service: 25ABY to 29ABY, possibly as early as 0ABY
Known Commanders: none
There's some uncertainty about this one. It might be the first of the whole Dauntless class, with a history of service with the Rebel Alliance going back at least as far as the Battle of Yavin. Or it might be some other Dauntless, which only appeared later and served in several battles against the Yuuzhan Vong, who were pretty tedious. I don't mind the Old Republic-era Star Wars stuff, but the post-Imperial stuff does tend to get bogged down in tedious pissing contests, trying to out-piss the awesomeness of the original trilogy. They may be better written than the new trilogy, but I've never achieved any level of caring for these stories either.
4: Dauntless (137ABY)
Fictional - Star Wars
Class/Type: Pellaeon-class Star Destroyer
Length: 1,600m
Operated by: Imperial Navy (Fel Empire), Sith Empire Navy
Service: 137ABY
Known Commanders: Captain Dorn, Admiral Tohri Challon, Captain Basile
Ignoring for a moment how little I know about the Legacy-era of Star Wars, I especially don't care about this ship, which appears to have been an elaborate McGuffin, brought into play and destroyed in hardly any time at all. Meh.
5: HMS Dauntless (Pirates of the Caribbean)
Fictional - Pirates of the Caribbean
Class/Type: First-rate ship of the line
Length: 51.8m
Operated by: Royal Navy (England?)
Service: 1670ish?
Known Commanders: Commodore James Norrington
[EDIT: I've just been informed that this ship is the one that inspired my Dauntless's name, hence our skull and crossed swords patch.]
Very pretty, but almost as fake as any starship, the vessel seen in 'Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl' (and a few minor spin-offs, but not any of the other movies) was made with a combination of sets perched atop a barge and CGI. It had no basis in real history, and it wasn't til 1804 that the British actually named any ship Dauntless. Unsurprisingly, this series of movies was full of creative anachronisms, largely because they refused to tie themselves down to any particular dates. I gather they were thinking early 1700s when they made the movies, which is why they call it a British ship (England and Scotland only formed the Kingdom of Great Britain in 1707).
![]() |
What the barge-set Dauntless really looked like. |
[EDIT: Adding Dauntless (1799).]
6: Dauntless (1799)
Fictional - Delta Green
Class/Type: Trade vessel
Length: Unknown
Operated by: Private (Britain)
Service: 1799
Known Commanders: Captain Paul Barrowclough
The roleplaying book 'Delta Green: Countdown' includes a mention of a document titled 'A Record of Events on the ship Dauntless, 1799', logging the exploration of the South Pacific by a trade vessel named Dauntless. Few details about the ship itself are given. I've represented it here with a photo of the modern replica of HMS Pickle (1799), just because I felt like it.
7: HMS Dauntless (1804)
Class/Type: Combatant-class Sloop
Length: 37m
Operated by: Royal Navy (Britain)
Service: 1804-1807
Known Commanders: Lieutenant Charles Jones, Lieutenant Christopher Strachey
Finally, a real ship that really existed. Built specifically for the Napoleonic wars,
8: HMS Dauntless (1808)
Class/Type: Cormorant-class Ship-Sloop
Length: 33m
Operated by: Royal Navy (Britain)
Service: 1808-1823
Known Commanders: Lieutenant Whitman, Lieutenant Daniel Barber, Captain Valentine Gardner, Captain George Cornish Gambier
Replacing the earlier HMS Dauntless, this newer vessel wasn't too different, as represented by the drawing of sister ship, HMS Blossom, at left. This Dauntless served more internationally, especially after the Napoleonic wars ended. It also seems to have been the first to visit Africa, though probably nowhere near South Africa.
9: HMS Dauntless (1847)
Class/Type: Dauntless-class Steam Screw Frigate
Length: 66.9m
Operated by: Royal Navy (Britain)
Service: 1847-1878
Known Commanders: Captain Edward Pellew Halstead, Captain Alfred Phillips Ryder, Captain William Edmonstone, Captain Leopold George Heath, Captain James Willcox, Captain Sherard Osborn, Captain John Bourmaster Dickson, Captain James Newburgh Strange, Captain Edward Pelham Brenton Von Donop, Captain Charles Codrington Forsyth
A slightly disappointing experimental steam/sail hybrid, this HMS Dauntless saw combat in the Crimean War, before ending its career with a few decades of relatively tame utility duty. I'd also like to point out that from 1864 to 1865, it was commanded by Captain Strange.
[EDIT: Adding Dauntless (1855)]
10: Dauntless (1855)
Class/Type: Fishing schooner
Length: Approx. 25m
Operated by: Private owners
Service: 1855-1870
Known Commanders: Jas. G. Craig
A fishing vessel built for speed (I'm not sure why; for maximum freshness, I guess?), which operated along the New England coastline. This was apparently a dangerous line of work, made more dangerous by optimising the design for speed, and the Dauntless was lost with all hands under unknown circumstances. The image I have is a model made in the late 19th century, a full generation after the Dauntless was lost, but it is presumably a close enough representation of the original.
11: USS Dauntless (1861)
Class/Type: Steam Tug
Length:Unknown, approx. 40-50m?
Operated by: United States Navy
Service: 1861-1862
Known Commanders: Acting Ensign Milton B. Muncy
The first American Dauntless, represented here by the steam tug Goliah, this Dauntless barely counts, because even though the United States bought it with that name in 1861, it only went into proper naval service in September 1862, renamed to USS Mignonette only 3 weeks later. As Mignonette, the boat was used as both a tug and a trade interdictor on the Mississippi and related waterways for over a decade.
[EDIT: Adding Dauntless (1867)]
12: Dauntless (1867)
Class/Type: Racing barque
Length: 29.6m, later extended to 36.6m
Operated by: Various private owners
Service: 1867-1915
Known Commanders: Commodore James Gordon Bennett Jr., Samuel "Bully" Samuels
Launched as L'Hirondelle in 1866, but known soon after as Dauntless to a series of subsequent wealthy owners, this vessel gained some fame as a trans-Atlantic racing yacht in the late 19th century. From the various paintings I've found of it, it looks like it was 90% made of sails. I've clipped the picture at left out of a really great painting of the Dauntless in action, departing New York, and I strongly recommend you follow the link above to admire the complete image.
[EDIT: Adding Dauntless (1899)]
13: Dauntless (1899)
Class/Type: Steamboat
Length: 28.3m
Operated by: Various private owners
Service: 1899-1923
Known Commanders: Captain Matthew McDowell, Captain Mann
Part of the informal collection of trading vessels known as the Puget Sound Mosquito Fleet, many small, independent steamships that carried cargo among the coastal towns of Washington state in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It was built to replace a boat named Defiance, and then was itself sold and replaced by a second Defiance. It served with a few owners, in a manner that reminds me a little of the ad hoc trading style seen in such fiction as Firefly, EVE and Cabin Pressure, which all make it seem pretty fun. Dauntless carried on like that for over 20 years, until it was beached and broken in a storm.
14: USS Dauntless (SP-1002)
Class/Type: Patrol Vessel
Length: 14m
Operated by: United States Navy
Service: 1917-1919
Known Commanders: none
15: HMS Dauntless (D45)
Class/Type: Danae-class Light Cruiser
Length: 144m
Operated by: Royal Navy (Britain)
Service: 1918-1946
Known Commanders: Captain C. Round-Turner
Launched too late for World War I, this Dauntless lasted until after World War II, but never saw any major combat. Instead, it was fairly accident prone, imitating its 1804 predecessor by running aground in 1928, and then colliding with HMS Emerald in 1941. This is the first Dauntless I can confirm visiting South Africa, first as part of a multi-port tour in 1923/24, and then again while stuck in dry dock in Simon's Town from November 1942 to January 1943. [EDIT: Also this old film footage.]
[EDIT: Adding the Dauntless (1930s).]
Class/Type: Self Righter Lifeboat
Length: 10.8m
Operated by: Royal National Lifeboat Institution
Service: Within 1930-1949
Known Commanders: none
This is a lifeboat in the heroic rescue sense, not the panicked escape sense, though it may still have been the smallest Dauntless, despite being a smidge longer than the SBD. It saved 43 lives. It was originally launched as the City of Nottingham, but was also re-named Margaret Rose and Dauntless at some points during its service, before retiring with the name City of Nottingham again. I would guess that at least one name change was associated with its 1936 move across the country from Hythe to Clovelly. It's been restored by some sailing club (as City of Nottingham), as seen in the photo above. We also have this old news reel footage.
17: SBD Dauntless
Class/Type: Dive bomber and Scout Plane
Length: 10m
Operated by: United States Navy, United States Marine Corps, United States Army Air Force, Royal New Zealand Air Force, French Air Force, French Naval Aviation, Chilean Air force, Mexican Air Force, Moroccan Desert Police
Service: 1940-1959
Known Commanders: none*
While several starships might be capable of atmospheric flight, this is the only true aircraft I've included here, and it doesn't fit the single-ship format ideally, if only because 5,936 of them were built, meaning I could potentially list at least 5,936 'known commanders'. It's also really hard to be sure of the real service period for 6 thousand separate planes, and I'm sure several of them were given individual names by their crews too. The SBD bit stands for 'Scout Bomber, Douglas', indicating what it was and that it was a design of the Douglas Aircraft Company. SBDs flying from the USS Enterprise were among the defending aircraft during the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour and Dauntlesses proved to be very effective against shipping, contributing significantly to several battles in the Pacific, most notably the Battle of Midway, where they sank all four Japanese carriers and two heavy cruisers. The Dauntless was retired from US service before World War II ended, but other air forces continued to use them into the 1950s. I believe there are still 4 flying today. Only 10 meters long
18: USS Dauntless (PG-61)
Class/Type: Steam Yacht
Length: 78.6m
Operated by: United States Navy, various private owners
Service: 1942-1945, 1967-2003
Known Commanders: Fleet Admiral Ernest King
Originally the SS Delphine, launched in 1921, this yacht has changed hands several times, alternating names along the way. Bought by the US Navy in 1942, it became the third USS Dauntless, serving as some sort of floating office for Fleet Admiral King to coordinate US naval forces from. After the war, it returned to civilian hands and it became the SS Delphine again, until the Lundeberg Maryland Seamanship School bought it and change it to SS Dauntless, using it to train mechant seamen. Eventually it changed hands again and returned to the name SS Delphine. It's currently a bit of a floating history-tourist novelty, retaining much of its 1921 design. [EDIT: This cheesey promotional video for the Delphine's current charter tour service includes some footage from 1921 too.]
[EDIT: Adding HMS Dauntless (1943).]
19: HMS Dauntless (1943)
Fictional - Delta Green
Class/Type: Submarine
Length: Unknown
Operated by: Royal Navy (Britain)
Service: 1943
Known Commanders: none
Another fictional interlude, brought to you in a Delta Green short story by Dennis Detwiller, one of the brains behind DG. In the story, its role is limited to commando infiltration across the English Channel. Even ignoring the clash with the real D45, there has never been a submarine Dauntless, and the picture at left is of HMS Tuna, representing broadly a British Second World War sub. Royal Navy ship-naming is (usually) cleverly alphabetical, so if there had been a Dauntless, it would have been of the pre-First World War D-class, except those had numbers, not names, and certainly weren't still around in 1943. The second time they got around to D, it was 1960's Dreadnought, a one of a kind prototype sub, intended mainly to get US nuclear technology into the British fleet. I suppose, given the cloak and dagger nature of Delta Green, that calling this sub HMS Dauntless could have been an intentional misdirect, but more likely is that Detwiller just picked a name he liked. Given that the Dauntless (1799) was also his creation, he may just have a thing for the name.
20: HMS Dauntless (WRNS)
Class/Type: Training Establishment
Length: A piece of string
Operated by: Royal Navy (Britain)
Service: 1947-1981
Known Commanders: none
It's hard to find many details about this land base, which in naval tradition was named as if it were a ship. I can find some general WRNS history, a lot of pictures of women standing around, and fucktonnes of pages of these same women apparently trying to get back in touch with each other for reunions and such, but very little in the way of details about the training establishment itself. [EDIT: Also, this old film of a dastardly, undemocratic monarchist visiting the place, where there are... more women standing!]
21: USCGC Dauntless (WMEC-624)
Class/Type: Reliance-class Cutter
Length: 64.2m
Operated by: United States Coast Guard
Service: 1967-present
Known Commanders: none
One of
[EDIT: Adding RSS Dauntless (99).]
22: RSS Dauntless (99)
Class/Type: Fearless-class patrol vessel
Length: 55m
Operated by: Republic of Singapore Navy
Service: 1997-present
Known Commanders: none
Singapore's kind of interesting. It's tiny, with a population of just over 5 million, and yet it has a pretty sizable navy, slightly larger than the South African Navy, which is backed by nearly 10 times the population. There are several official languages and even more unofficial ones spoken there, but English is the de facto 'main' official language, and so their vessel names are all English too, including RSS Dauntless. This Dauntless is a smallish combat vessel, of reasonable quality by modern standards, but I can't yet seem to find much about it's service history. It is still in service, though.
23: HMS Dauntless (D33)
Class/Type: Type 45 Daring-class Air Defence Destroyer
Length: 152.4m
Operated by: Royal Navy (Britain)
Service: 2010-present
Known Commanders: Captain Richard Powell, Captain Will Warrender, Commander Adrian Fryer
The newest of the real Dauntlesses, this one's optimised for defending other ships from air attacks, which just aren't a common thing these days, and so it hasn't actually done much of anything yet, except loom menancingly towards Argentina over the Falklands/Malvinas, [EDIT: passing through Cape Town on the way. Also, have some footage of Dauntless launching into the River Clyde, where my grandmother, in her childhood, once watched many ships launching.]
24: UES Dauntless (CH-34)
Fictional - Star Trek
Class/Type: Pioneer-class Cruiser
Length: 191.8m
Operated by: United Earth Space Navy
Service: 2153-2157
Known Commanders: none
And here we have the first Trek-related Dauntless. Like most in that category, it's completely non-canon, but still interesting. This one and the CHM-70 below are both from Starfleet Museum, a site that's put a lot of effort into creating a hypothetical history of Star Trek's earliest ships. Unfortunately, most of it was done before Star Trek: Enterprise aired, contradicting most of their work. And while I really think the Museum's essays are brilliantly written, I'm not a huge fan of their ship designs. The essence of a starship has always been a mixture of fat sausagey bits and sleek saucer bits. Starfleet Museum assumed the sausagey bits would have come first, and so that's what most of their early designs (like this Pioneer class) look like. The designers for ST:ENT, on the other hand, assumed the saucer bits would come first and the sausages would only get added later, marking a huge contrast between this vessel and the NX class. Anyway, CH-34 was a cargo design converted to military purposes, which worked horribly, and so it was replaced quite soon. It served with the United Earth Space Navy, one of the proposed predecessors of Kirk's Starfleet, and which has been suggested would have existed in parallel with Archer's earlier Starfleet (which may also have been a sub-branch of the United Earth Space Probe Agency; horrible continuity plus fanfic really complicates the organisation charts).
Also, now that we're on Trek ships, I'll point your attention to the thin blue lines along the right edge of my timeline above. These, to help give a sense of perspective, mark the service periods of the various starships Enterprise: NX-01, NCC-1701, -A, -B, -C, -D and -E. What really surprised me, while adding that detail, is that the Enterprise-D had the shortest life of all, in spite of being the biggest and probably most interesting one.
Fictional - Star Trek
Class/Type: NX-class Explorer
Length: 225m
Operated by: United Earth Starfleet
Service: 2155-2165
Known Commanders: none
Here we start to see different fan fiction clashing. While CH-34 and NX-08 might have existed at the same time with the same name in different organisations, I think what's really going on is that this ship and the next one (CHM-70), and possibly even the one after that (NCC-37), are competing attempts to define the USS Dauntless NCC-01, the hypothesized first ship to be registered in the UFP Starfleet in 2161. The reason for this hypothesis is that the only fully canon Dauntless in Star Trek, the NX-01-A (see below) has that little -A dangling on the end, implying it's the second ship to use that name and registry number. This further implies that there should have been a USS Dauntless with a registry number ending in -01. But there's zero official confirmation of this, so people have just guessed. In this case, NX-08 presumably becomes NCC-01, when Earth becomes a founding member of the United Federation of Planets. These NCC-01 competitors also all agree that their candidate must have seen combat in the Earth-Romulan War, directly before the founding of the Federation.
[EDIT: Adding ISS Dauntless (Mirror Universe)]
25-A ISS Dauntless (Mirror Universe)
Fictional - Star Trek
Class/Type: NX-class Explorer
Length: 225m
Operated by: Terran Empire Starfleet
Service: 2155
Known Commanders: none
This one poses an interesting numbering challenge: Coming from an actual, published Star Trek novel, it's more canon than the NX-08 above, and yet the Mirror Universe, by definition, is not the "real" main timeline of Star Trek. We might guess that it could share the NX-08 registry number, in the same way that the Mirror version of Archer's Enterprise NX-01 was the ISS Enterprise NX-01, but bear in mind that the NX-08 is purely fan fiction, and the two Enterprises (NX-01 and NCC-1701) are the sole clear parallels between Mirror and normal universe vessels. We simply don't know much about the ISS Dauntless, except that it fought against Empress Hoshi.
26: UES Dauntless (CHM-70)
Fictional - Star Trek
Class/Type: Conqueror-class Cruiser
Length: 226.9
Operated by: United Earth Space Navy
Service: 2159-2170
Known Commanders: none
An improved replacement for the CH-34, designed to fight the Romulan War. Starfleet Museum explicitly calls this the ship that becomes NCC-01, and I feel their argument is most sound. It's easy, though, to allow all possibilities with the excuse of "parallel universes," and we can pretend there's one universe where there was a CHM-70 and one where there was an NX-08, or whatever else you like. This does mean you get a lot of shit, but you can always pick the universe (or set of similar universes) of your choice and just pretend the others don't exist.
Fictional - Star Trek
Class/Type: Adamant-class Explorer
Length: 219m
Operated by: UFP Starfleet
Service: 2159-2184
Known Commanders: none
This is a weird one, since it's positioned chronologically to compete for the NCC-01 registry number, and yet was given NCC-37 instead. I don't get it. It's a nice enough physical design, though, a sort of hybrid between the NX components and the eventual hull arrangement of the Constitution class that we all know and love, except upside down.
[EDIT: Adding USS Dauntless NCC-0837.]
28: USS Dauntless NCC-0837
Fictional - Star Trek
Class/Type: Destroyer
Length: Unknown
Operated by: UFP Starfleet
Service: 2247-2250
Known Commanders: none
Possibly intended to be of the same class as the USS Kelvin (just my own conjecture, hence using a picture of it, but not listing its canon stats), this Dauntless only seems to appear in the character history of Captain Jack Steele, commander of Alt.Starfleet.Rpg's USS Hood, and very little is made clear about it. However, it's AbramsTrek, so I don't give a shit about it.
Fictional - Star Trek
Class/Type: Pyotr Velikiy-class Explorer
Length: 250.3m
Operated by: UFP Starfleet
Service: 2259-2276
Known Commanders: Captain Diego Reyes
Another Starfleet Museum design, this one actually made it into some official Trek comics, making it the most canoniest of all the Starfleet Dauntlesses. It also fits in the timeline well and makes sense. As an equivalent of Kirk's Enterprise, it did similar things (fight klingons, fight romulans, argue with colonists), but it is slightly odd that a vessel 4 places behind the NCC-1701 in the registry would only be commissioned 14 years after it. But you really, really don't want to stare into the void of registry incongruities too deeply!
30: USS Dauntless NCC-37 (2280s)
Fictional - Star Trek
Class/Type: Leonardo-class Corsair
Length: Unknown
Operated by: UFP Starfleet
Service: 2280s?
Known Commanders: none
Almost certainly worth ignoring. Its low registry number doesn't fit the time period very well, and it's already been used. As it happens, there seem to be a slew of these duplicated registry numbers used for the Leonardo class, but I can't find anything else about the class. I suspect someone realised they'd done something silly (for whatever reason) and re-wrote all their work, but only after it had contaminated other sites. The apparent close association with the Adamant-class NCC-37 makes me more inclined to disregard that one too.
31: USS Dauntless NCC-2012
Fictional - Star Trek
Class/Type: Indomitable-class Battleship
Length: 543.7m
Operated by: UFP Starfleet
Service: 2282-2283
Known Commanders: none
A weird attempt to mix Excelsior and Constitution components, the Indomitable class is the sort of over-the-top military ship that fans of Starfleet Battles and such games tend to favour, drawing good technical 3-views of them, but forgetting the fun and exploration that makes Star Trek different from other scifi shows. Anyway, as a result I can tell you lots about what this Dauntless could do, but nothing about what it actually did. At least it fits in the timeline well enough.
32: USS Dauntless NCC-3254
Fictional - Star Trek
Class/Type: Renner-class Corvette
Length: 220.3m
Operated by: UFP Starfleet
Service: 2285-2300ish
Known Commanders: none
Sort of like a dinky Miranda-class, the Renner is another vessel made up in a very technical yet uncreative way. We know almost nothing about the Dauntless or any of the rest of its class, but its loose decommissioning date means it could be said to fit in with the NCC-2379, suggesting it retired in or before 2296.
33: USS Dauntless NCC-2379
Fictional - Star Trek
Class/Type: Furious-class Cruiser
Length: 246.1m
Operated by: UFP Starfleet
Service: 2296-2351
Known Commanders: none
Another Starfleet Museum gem, I absolutely love the story of the Furious class. It illustrates exactly what's so great about fluffing up your ships' histories, instead of just giving the dry technical minimum, as in the case of the Indomitable and Renner classes. Unfortunately, there are still no details specifically about the Dauntless.
Fictional - Star Trek
Class/Type: Galaxy-class Explorer
Length: 641m
Operated by: UFP Starfleet
Service: 2365-2378
Known Commanders: Captain Leland Bell, Captain Robert Wright, Captain Jae Yi
I would argue this one is the second most canony Starfleet Dauntless, since comics and games rank about equal, except that the facts of games are fluid, slipping down many different trouser legs of time, depending on how well you play them. But the developers of Star Trek: Bridge Commander did at least put a lot of thought into the background of this vessel, so it has a good historical anchoring, and its final fate (blown up by rogue Cardassian vessels) is unavoidable (sorry). It's also interesting as its list of known commanders includes 'me' (and possibly also 'you', if you played the game).
35: CDS Dauntless
Fictional - Star Trek
Class/Type: Keldon-class Cruiser
Length: 371.9m
Operated by: Cardassian Central Command
Known Commanders: none
An alien Dauntless seems almost out of place here, once you forget about the probable Sullustan-built one from 25ABY, but I have wondered how many ships, real or otherwise, I've left out here because their names are not in English, but would still translate best as 'dauntless'. Perhaps I'll check that later and add those. Anyway, this Dauntless has absolutely no fixed dates or events, but we know it must fit into the late 24th century. [EDIT: Looking more closely at Memory Alpha, we apparently know that the class only came into service in 2371, so it can't have appeared before then. There's also a statistically high chance, with the effects of the Dominion war, that it would have been lost or decommissioned by 2376.]
[EDIT 2: I decided to use this exact vessel in my current Maquis roleplaying game; take this info or leave it, I don't care. In Cardassian, its name is the Donodo. In early 2371, it was modified in an experimental bio-weapons configuration, with improved defences and its torpedo system replaced with a bio-weapon distributor. A test of the new arrangement against the Maquis-alligned planet of Salva II was foiled by the Maquis starship Hur'Un, which intercepted and destroyed the Donodo/Dauntless at the last minute, saving the civilian population below.]
36: USS Dauntless NCC-74658
Fictional - Star Trek
Class/Type: Intrepid-class Explorer
Length: 344m
Operated by: UFP Starfleet
Service: 2373-2374
Known Commanders: Captain Peter J. Koester
It turns out, there's a whole fanfic club going by the name Dauntless, part of a bigger fanfic club called 5th Fleet (no connection with my lot, far as I know) and this was their first lead ship, before they destroyed it (who hasn't done that?) and replaced it with the bigger Sovereign-class NCC-75310. At first, it bothered me seeing this name on this class, because Dauntless sounds so much rougher, cruder, something like that, than Voyager. But of course, Dauntless and Intrepid mean pretty much the same thing, and Voyager is the odd name out.
37: USS Dauntless NCC-74912
Fictional - Star Trek
Class/Type: Intrepid-class Explorer
Length: 344m
Operated by: UFP Starfleet
Service: 2373-2380
Known Commanders: Captain Timothy Barranco
Like the NX-08, this is a ship from the Pendragon continuity, but unlike the NX-08, they don't even pretend to be talking about anything like mainstream Trek history by this point in their timeline anymore.
Fictional - Star Trek
Class/Type: Dauntless-class Starship
Length: Approx. 150m?
Operated by: Arturis
Service: 2374
Known Commanders: Arturis
Just by seeing this, I've already spoiled an episode of ST:Voyager for you. Sorry. But it's very interesting, because it's the only Dauntless to appear on screen in any Star Trek, and as I mentioned under the NX-08, CHM-70 and NCC-37, it sparked a lot of speculation about real Starfleet ships going by this name, especially the NCC-01. Anyway, this is a one-event ship, but it made for a good episode, worth pretending you don't know the twist already.
39: USS Dauntless NCC-75310
Fictional - Star Trek
Class/Type: Sovereign-class Explorer
Length: 685m
Operated by: UFP Starfleet
Service: 2375-2385
Known Commanders: Captain Peter J. Koester, Captain Virgil D. Kane
This is the ship from the 5th Fleet continuity that replaced the NCC-74658. And it did more stuff. There's a lot of plot here, and the wiki summary isn't very summarised. Plus, I've just written 32 of these things and I'm bored now.
40: USS Dauntless NCC-80210
Fictional - Star Trek
Class/Type: Intrepid-class Explorer
Length: 344m
Operated by: UFP Starfleet
Service: 2379-2380
Known Commanders: Commander Aaron Wright, Captain Leza Astar
A third branch of fanfic produced an Intrepid-class USS Dauntless, this one supposedly incorporating technology brought home by the USS Voyager. Apparently Trekkies love them some Intrepids; the first Star Trek roleplaying game I was in, for example, started us out on the Miranda-class USS Saracen, which the GM soon decided to replace (by force, using fucking Q!) with an Intrepid-class USS Saracen-A, which lasted much longer. It was a good ship.
[EDIT: Adding USS Dauntless NCC-87007]
41: USS Dauntless NCC-87007
Fictional - Star Trek
Class/Type: Thunderbolt-class Escort Destroyer
Length: 172m
Operated by: UFP Starfleet
Service: 2424
Known Commanders: none
Another branch of fan-fiction, this time the Alt.Starfleet.Rpg roleplaying writing club, have a USS Dauntless listed among the ships they've created, though they don't seem to have made any use of this one yet. Instead, it's just filling out the Thunderbolt class's numbers. The Thunderbolt class seems to be a Defiant variant with everything that isn't a weapon removed and replaced with something that is a weapon, as if the Defiant wasn't already close enough to that extreme.
[EDIT: Adding XMS Dauntless (19017).]
42: XMS Dauntless (19017)
Fictional - Warhammer 40,000
Class/Type: Centaur-class Cruiser
Length: Unknown
Operated by: Imperial Navy (Imperium of Man)
Service: 19017
Known Commanders: none
A fan-fiction short story set in a very early part of the Warhammer 40,000 timeline (20,000 years early) happens to include a starship named the XMS Dauntless, presumed lost. It may or may not be of the same Centaur class as the illustration shows. Not much to mention here without spoiling the story. However, that happens to be a re-write by the same author of essentially the same story set in the Doom universe, where it was the British Trafalgar-class frigate HMS Dauntless that went missing in 2220. I've assumed the author intends for the latest version to take priority, but felt I should mention both.
43: Dauntless (Warhammer 40K)
Fictional - Warhammer 40,000
Class/Type: Dauntless-class Light Cruiser
Length: 4,500m
Operated by: Imperial Navy (Imperium of Man)
Service: 41st millennium?
Known Commanders: none
I'm not entirely certain if this ship is supposed to have existed as a single ship that the rest of the class is named after, or if the Imperial Navy uses a different system where the class name has nothing to do with any specific vessel. But let's assume there was an original Dauntless: We know nothing about it, except it's general shape (which at least makes it by far the largest Dauntless of all). Human ships in 40K serve for centuries, get junked and salvaged and rebuilt and recycled and modified almost endlessly. As such, I haven't even tried to add it to my pretty timeline.
44: Dauntless (unknown)
Fictional - The Lost Fleet
Class/Type: Battle Cruiser
Length: unknown
Operated by: Alliance Navy
Service: unknown
Known Commanders: Captain Tanya Desjani
I've been meaning to add this one for a long time, but initially couldn't find much information, and then someone loaned me the first novel from the series it's in, and I wanted to fully read that before adding anything here. But just that first book took me most of this year to get through, despite being quite readable, because of life. The author is an ex-Navy man, and there's a strong technical element to the story. It feels like there are three main threads to the story. There's the personal, character-driven thread, which starts off interesting but doesn't really seem to go anywhere; the character arc isn't bad, it just has a low amplitude; perhaps later books expand on this, I'll have to see. Then there's the strategic level thread, which is the actual plot-driver, and this reminded me strongly of the strategic side of Wing Commander: Armada (and if there's a better, more modern equivalent game, I'd love to know about it). Then there's the tactical level thread, with its heavy emphasis on how Einstein makes realistic space battles interestingly unintuitive.
Unfortunately, for such a realism-focused book, there's actually very little detail provided about this Dauntless. I can't tell you any of its technical specs, except maybe what kind of weapons it had and roughly what propulsion it had. We can say that it was pretty big, but not exactly how big. If the cover art I borrowed for the picture above is any indication, then I'd guesstimate that it could be anywhere between the size of an NX and the size of an Imperial I, roughly. There's just no obvious sense of scale. We can also say that it's supposed to be a very rough, unrefined design, something that was rushed out and not expected to last long. And we can say that it lead the Lost Fleet of the series title. Exactly when or where that happened, we have no idea. It's supposed to be sometime in the far future, but there are absolutely no clues about the specifics, which is why I've shunted it to the end of my timeline.
So let's return to my Dauntless and give it a proper entry here too:
Class/Type: Defiant-class Escort
Length: 119.5m or 170.7m (I favour the smaller size)
Operated by: UFP Starfleet
Service: 2004-present, or late 24th century?
Known Commanders: Commodore Tom Donohoe, Rear Admiral Kim Donohoe, Commodore Owen Swart, Acting Captain James Hough
It's us! Obviously, as a currently-active group, we're sort of in service right now. But if we were going to insert ourselves somewhere in the future Trek timeline, where would we fit? That depends on which of the above ships we care to consider worth acknowledging. All the fanfic Dauntlesses are clearly their own thing, nothing to do with us, and would fuck things around horribly anyway. If we refuse to acknowledge anything that wasn't actually seen on screen, then we can effectively ignore every limit except for the introduction of the Defiant class into service, which ties us to an earliest commissioning year of 2371 (indicated by the grey block in the bottom left of my timeline). That would fit with our registry number, only 9 places past the USS Defiant NX-74205 itself, though as I say, registry numbers are not very reliable guides of chronology. I'd personally be inclined to count the Galaxy-class NCC-71879 as "canon enough", but that means we can't launch ours until after its destruction in 2378.
[EDIT: Recently, various official USS Dauntless emails and such have started refering to us fitting into the canon Trek timeline at some point after the events of Star Trek: Nemesis, i.e. 2381 onwards. This doesn't preclude a pre-2378 launch, clashing with NCC-71879, but does at least suggest we're kind of trying to avoid such a clash.]
Fortunately, that decision isn't up to me. I just write shit down.
"..., it's just the assemblage of people - not even all in the same hemisphere..."
ReplyDeleteThat's me! Both in a geographic and mental level.
Excellent article.
Ambassador Lovelace